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Pinedale Online > News > August 2024 > Another large tree downed along Pine Street

Downed tree. Photo by Sublette County Sheriff's Office.
Downed tree
Photo courtesy Sublette County Sheriff's Office
Another large tree downed along Pine Street
by Pinedale Online!
August 22, 2024

Strong winds on Saturday afternoon on August 17th snapped off another of the large trees along Pine Street next to the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale. Fortunately, no one was hit when it toppled. The tree fell across three of the four lanes of US 191/Pine Street.

Bob Rule, of KPIN 101.1FM radio, happened to be driving on the road at the time when the tree fell. "It went down in front of us. If I had been a bit faster, it would have hit our car." He said everyone was being very polite taking turns slowing down and using the one available lane. The downdraft winds were from a line of strong thunderstorm 35 miles south traveling over the Big Piney area, for which the National Weather Service had issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning alert a little earlier. The Big/Piney Marbleton airport reported a wind gust of 68 mph during the storm.

This is the second large tree in the little green park along Pine Street next to the courthouse that has broken or blown over recently by strong storm winds and torrential downpour rains saturating the soil. Crews quickly used chainsaws to cut the downed tree trunk and clean up the debris to reopen all the lanes of the highway.

Pinedale Online > News > August 2024 > Another large tree downed along Pine Street

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