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Pinedale Online > News > July 2024 > ‘Coping and Thriving Boom and Bust Culture’ talks Aug. 7
‘Coping and Thriving Boom and Bust Culture’ talks Aug. 7
July 25, 2024

Two Wyoming writers will be giving a reading focusing on the Boom and Bust culture of Wyoming Wednesday August 7th at 7 pm at the Sublette County Library. Barbara Smith, the newly appointed poet laureate for Wyoming and Marcia Hensley, author of the memoir Away from it All: A Wyoming Love Story, will appear together and share their stories about "Coping and Thriving in the American West Boom and Bust Culture." Both authors write about their own contemporary experiences which harken back and relate to those of the pioneers who came West looking for better lives and who experienced great cultural changes in their lives.

"We both lived through some tumultuous times during the boom in Sweetwater County," Smith said, "And those experiences have found their way into much of our writing." The Boom really challenged the community, resulting in a lot of upheaval and challenges to the culture of small-town Wyoming. We think that people in Pinedale certainly can relate to those changes and we hope that by sharing some of those pieces with our audience we will also generate a lively discussion after our reading."

The author’s books will be available at the reading.

Pinedale Online > News > July 2024 > ‘Coping and Thriving Boom and Bust Culture’ talks Aug. 7

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