Wyoming’s birth rate drops below death rate
by Pinedale Online!
December 26, 2022
While examining the latest COVID-19 numbers, we decided to plot out the historical birth rate data for Wyoming to see if the virus had any noticeable impact on births in the state. We took historical birth data from the Wyoming Department of Health Vital Statistics Data and Reports, available online. In 2007, births were roughly twice as many as deaths in the state. Plotting the birth statistics for all 23 counties from 2007 to 2021 surprisingly showed a downward trend in births for almost all counties, with an even more pronounced decline since 2015.
We then decided to plot the raw death data for the same time period, expecting to see a mostly upward trend (because of relational state population increases) with a bump up for COVID-19 years. That’s pretty much what the chart showed.
When combining the two charts, we were surprised to see that deaths surpassed births in the state in 2020 and 2021. Deaths of course sharply increased during those two years due to COVID-19, however the trajectory of the two lines seems to indicate that they would cross anyway in the next couple of years if the patterns continue with time.
These are charts based off of raw data and we don’t have explanations for these patterns. We ran a chart on Wyoming’s raw population numbers to see what was happening with that over the same time period and that chart is also included in the graphics with this story. There likely are many factors involved in these birth numbers such as demographics, women’s choices regarding child bearing, family dynamics, economics, social situations, to name a few.