Water-Sewer town meeting
Citizens attended a workshop on Friday, Oct. 14th at the Hampton Inn. The meeting was held by the Pinedale Town Council to discuss the new proposed water and sewer rates.
Talking about water & sewer rates
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
October 15, 2016
The Town of Pinedale held a special workshop on Friday evening, Oct. 14th to talk about the new town water and sewer rates.
About 44 citizens attended. Some made comments and expressed concern about what it will now cost to run bleeders in the winter, how much summer lawn watering will cost, how to keep the rates affordable for senior citizens on fixed incomes, accuracy of water meters, and what the base level rate and quantity should be, including other things. The Town Council is tasked with being in compliance with state statutes and having the water/sewer utility pay for itself.
The meeting lasted from 7PM to 10:30PM in the meeting room at the Hampton Inn. No decision was made. The Town will consider the public comments and give citizens more time to review the proposals.
Anyone who wants to know their meter readings on their water usage can contact Town Hall. In the meantime, residents will see about a 45% rate increase on their water/sewer bill next month, but that rate might change if a modified rate structure gets approved that makes adjustments for winter bleed lines and the base water usage amount.