Smoky Pinedale
View looking west across Pine Street (US 191) in Pinedale around 3:30PM on Tuesday, June 26th. The smoke is from the Fontenelle fire burning in the Wyoming Range west of the LaBarge Creek Road.
Fontenelle Fire smoke hits Pinedale
by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!
June 26, 2012
Winds brought smoke from the Fontenelle Fire in the Wyoming Range over Pinedale on Tuesday afternoon. As of 3:00PM Tuesday (June 26th) the fire had grown from 300 to 900 acres. This fire is in Lincoln County, approximately 33-miles northwest of the community of LaBarge, Wyoming on the Kemmerer Ranger District of the Bridger-Teton National Forest. There are no closures or evacuations at this time. The fire is burning in heavy dead and down timber and being suppressed by 89 firefighters and 3 helicopters. A Type 3 Management Team is now in charge of the fire for the Forest.