Sublette School Districts
Graphic from the Sublette County Assessor's Office, comparison between Sublette School District #1 & 9.
Assessor’s Office provides School District statistics for 1-9 parity issue
Tax dollar info, acreage breakdowns, District 102 gerrymander facts, 2 Mill increase, recreation funding
by Sublette County Assessor’s Office
Original post March 18, 2011 | Revised March 21 & 24, 2011
Editor’s Update (3/24/11): Janet Montgomery & John Paravicini, from the Sublette County Assessor's Office, have provided additional tax and revenue data for Sublette County School District #1 & 9. Scroll down to the end of this article for the updates. Editor’s Update (3/21/11): Janet Montgomery & John Paravicini, from the Sublette County Assessor's Office, asked us to add in the following comment,"All of Cimarex and its supply wells lie solely in District 9. Thusly all the value that will come from that project will belong to District 9." _________________________________________ Original post 3/18/11:
Recently, the discussion pertaining to parity between school districts in Sublette County has been picking up steam. In speaking to various members of the public, reading opinions from sources varying from the newspapers to Pinedale Online to e-mail it has become apparent that there was a need for the Assessor’s Office to work through the numbers and provide results to all Sublette County constituents. After several exhaustive days, Janet Montgomery and myself have compiled a fact portfolio for all interested parties to view. This document contains a great deal of information regarding breakdowns in acreage, population density estimates, tax dollar information, as well as excerpts from State of Wyoming material. Much of this study stems from questions and comments from the public and our desire to see discussion of this issue based on facts. One point that is not incorporated in this analysis is the impact of the Cimarex facilities/operations on District 9’s valuation. This omission was made because of the lack of verifiable numbers which would make any analysis purely speculative at this time. A common theme found in many of these analyses concerns District 102 or the ‘gerrymander.’ This can be easily seen in the school district map, in what appears to be a ‘tail’ stretching down District 9’s western border. District 102 has remained a separate district for sole purpose of it one day being returned to District 9. Another topic that hasn’t been addressed adequately in the public eye is the ability for either district’s residents to vote in up to a 2 Mill increase for their respective BOCES programs. Lastly, the issue of recreation-based projects funded by the County Commissioners, pertaining to how much has been spent recently in each district, has surfaced and been addressed. Due to time constraints, only major projects were considered. Numbers concerning the PAC are handled by District 1 and the Rec Board and have not been addressed here. A great deal of time and effort was put into this project and every effort was made to cover all sides of the proverbial equation. If you have any questions, as I’m sure you will, please feel free to contact either Janet or myself at the Assessor’s Office, M-F (8 a.m. – 5 p.m.). Please forward this information to your school boards and to your constituents. This file is in a .pdf format and should be viewable by all .pdf viewers.
John Paravicini Sublette County Assessor's Office 21 S. Tyler Ave Box 2057 Pinedale, WY 82941 307-367-4374 _____________________________________
Sublette County School District 1 vs District 9 Valuation 1993 – 2010 Data from Janet Montgomery and John Paravicini, Sublette County Assessor's Office, 21 S. Tyler Ave, Box 2057, Pinedale, WY 82941, 307-367-4374 (PDF, March 22, 2011)
Sublette County School District 1 vs District 9 Revised Facts, with revised population numbers (Data from Janet Montgomery and John Paravicini, Sublette County Assessor's Office, 21 S. Tyler Ave, Box 2057, Pinedale, WY 82941, 307-367-4374 March 23, 2011 (27 page, 2.6MB PDF)
Sublette County School District 1 vs District 9 Facts, with population numbers (Original fact sheet – Data from Janet Montgomery and John Paravicini, Sublette County Assessor's Office, 21 S. Tyler Ave, Box 2057, Pinedale, WY 82941, 307-367-4374 March 23, 2011 (27 page, 2.6MB PDF)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Update from the Sublette County Assessor’s Office: At the Sublette County District #1 Impact Meeting last night (Tuesday, March 22, 2011), District #9 Business Manager, Amy Anschutz, brought to my attention that data was available online for each School District. In a conversation earlier in the day, Ms. Anschutz was questioning where our numbers for population density came from. My explanation to her was that, at that point in time, I was unable to find 2010 Census numbers other than what is available for the county as a whole (from the Census website) and town population figures (Sublette Examiner). It was further explained that an analysis of residential housing units was the best available route at the time. This morning, our office found the website Ms. Anschutz was talking about and that data is been inserted into our report. As noted in the report, the population total for the Census includes 804 people that live in the Lincoln county portion of District 9." - Data from John Paravicini, Sublette County Assessor's Office, 21 S. Tyler Ave, Box 2057, Pinedale, WY 82941, 307-367-4374 (27 page PDF, 982K)
Thursday, March 24, 2011 Update from the Sublette County Assessor’s Office: "Last night (March 23, 2011) after the District 9 information meeting in Marbleton, I had a very refreshing and enjoyable conversation with Sublette Dist 9 board member, John Fear. One concern that he voiced was about the inclusion of projects that are being funded by the county commissioners in the report that was released by our office. Mr. Fear was concerned that the information was misleading and would cause the public to believe that the facilities were directly related to the optional mills the school districts are discussing. My intention was to address people’s concerns that District 9 funds were being utilized for these facilities. The heading that was utilized states that these projects are COUNTY-FUNDED projects. Mr. Fear and I shared a laugh that when you look at the figures and the facts for as long as I have, various things are blatantly obvious but, to the casual observer, may be misconstrued. Allow me to submit this e-mail as clarification that the projects at the Sublette Fairgrounds and the Marbleton Recreation Center are funded by the county commissioners from county coffers, not from any school funds or optional school funds (ie. BOCES/Recreation). The county does, in fact, have a COUNTY Recreation Board but it’s funds and dealings are also separate from any school funds. Please consider this e-mail an addendum to the Assessor’s Fact Sheet portfolio that was already released." – Data from John Paravicini, Sublette County Assessor's Office, 21 S. Tyler Ave, Box 2057, Pinedale, WY 82941, 307-367-4374 (27 page PDF, 982K)