Table 1
Confirmed livestock killed by wolves
in WY: 2000 - 2009.

Fig. 1 - Wolf Packs
Number of wolf packs and number of wolf packs involved in livestock depredations in Wyoming from 2000 through 2009.

Fig. 2
Figure 2
Number of confirmed cattle depredations per month. Eight wolf packs were involved in at least one cattle depredation.
Final 2009 Wyoming wolf update
by Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!
January 5, 2010
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has issued its last weekly wolf report for 2009, providing an end-of-year summary of livestock depredation problems.
The agency also reports: • Telemetry flights will be ongoing throughout the first part of January to confirm the number and composition of wolf packs in Wyoming. Official wolf population estimates will be published in the 2009 Annual Report. Preliminary counts for Wyoming (outside YNP) estimate > 200 wolves in >30 packs (19-21 breeding pairs).
Total known wolf mortality (outside YNP) for 2009 is 35 wolves (control = 30; unknown or under investigation = 5).
• On Dec. 31, FWS investigated a complaint of four wolves chasing young horses on private land northeast of Jackson. Rubber bullets were issued to the ranch manager to harass wolves from the area. • Official livestock damage estimates will be reported in the FWS 2009 Annual Report. Preliminary estimates show that 20 cattle, 195 sheep, and 7 dogs were recorded as confirmed wolf kills in Wyoming in 2009. Two additional cattle and two sheep were recorded as probable wolf kills and > 2 cattle and 1 guard dog were injured by wolves. Eleven packs and one individual wolf were involved in livestock depredations.
• A radio collared female wolf (#655f) dispersed from the Pinnacle Peak Pack near Jackson in September 2008. On November 11, 2008, the USFWS located the carcass of wolf #655f west of Pinedale. The dead wolf was sent to the FWS Forensics Lab in Ashland, OR to determine the cause of death. The wolf had an injured front foot probably due to a gun-shot wound, but died from ingesting a plastic eartag used for identifying cattle. The plastic tag perforated the wolf’s intestinal wall and the wolf died from internal injuries.