The CaroSal Baler
September 13, 2007
The Pinedale Recycling Center honored two long-time recycling center devotees, Caroline Sulenta and Sally Mackey, for their dedication and service to the center at a party on Thursday, September 13th. They surprised the two by naming the center's brand new baler the "CaroSal" as a symbol of the Center's appreciation of all their hard work.
"We want to thank Sally and Caroline for their many, many years of service," said Recycling Center Coordinator, Marti Seipp.
The new baler was funded by generous contributions from the Sublette County Commissioners, Ultra Resources, Shell Rocky Mountain Production and Questar.
The new baler was christened with champagne at a Thank You party at the center on Thursday afternoon.
Photo by Dawn Ballou, Pinedale Online!