WY Highway Patrol steps up presence for holiday weekend
Have a safe Labor Day weekend
by Wyoming Highway Patrol
August 30, 2007
This Labor Day Holiday the Wyoming Highway Patrol will be working with other law enforcement agencies nationwide performing highly visible enforcement operations during the crackdown period which begins Friday, August 31st, and will continue through Monday, September 3rd.
Troopers will be participating in saturation patrols this weekend during the evening hours at locations where alcohol-related crashes are statistically more likely to occur.
Additional Troopers and Staff will be out patrolling working extra hours during the holiday period. These extra personnel may work additional hours during either a day or night shift. The funding to pay for the extra hours worked have been secured for the Highway Patrol by WYDOT’s Highway Safety Program and will come from a Federal Highway 402 Safety grant.
The public is encouraged to actively participate in supporting the efforts of law enforcement by reporting a legitimate suspected impaired driver. They may call the Wyoming Highway Patrol’s toll free REDDI hotline (Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately) at 800-442-9090. Callers may remain anonymous if they wish when making these reports to a Patrol Dispatcher.