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Pinedale Wyoming

Pinedale Wyoming Local News

Sommers Ranch Homestead part of WSGLT 25th Anniversary exhibit at Wyoming State Capitol (posted 1/19/2025)
Nordic Ski Grooming Report – January 18, 2025 (posted 1/18/2025)
Pinedale STAmpede Nordic Ski Race Jan. 18 (posted 1/16/2025)
Bitter cold nighttime temperatures on the way (posted 1/16/2025)
Sublette County Museum Board meeting Jan. 21 (posted 1/14/2025)
Free Fly Tying Night in Pinedale Jan. 23 (posted 1/13/2025)
Obituary – Dee Topper (posted 1/13/2025)
Dear Flora – January 2025 (posted 1/13/2025)
Fire damages local auto repair business (posted 1/10/2025)
Marbleton Clinic receives new analyzer (posted 1/8/2025)
GoFundMe set up for Angry Irish shop fire (posted 1/6/2025)
Grand Opening for Vertical Health Integrative Direct Primary Care Jan. 27 in Pinedale (posted 1/3/2025)

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January 21: Sublette County Museum Board meeting - Tuesday at 11:00AM at the Pinedale Library Board
Room. Public welcome to attend.

January 31-Feb. 8: 2025 Pedigree Stage Stop Race - Starts in Jackson, Wyoming ad runs in stages for a week. Stage Stops in Pinedale, Big Piney/Marbleton, Kemmerer, Lander, and final stop in Dubois. Each of the seven stops are hosted by local communities with special events. The loop races take place on trails on the Bridger-Teton National Forest. Spectators welcome. Follow the event at www.wyomingstagestop.org..

Scenic Wyoming Photos

Scenic photos by Dave Bell

Photos by Dave Bell


Gas Prices
January 4, 2025
Big Piney2.829
Regular unleaded average.
WY & US provided by AAA.

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Pinedale Local News

Inspired by the Land: 25 Years of Conserving Wyoming’s Working Agricultural Lands
Inspired by the Land: 25 Years of Conserving Wyoming’s Working Agricultural Lands
Sommers Ranch Homestead part of WSGLT 25th Anniversary exhibit at Wyoming State Capitol (posted 1/19/2025)
Exhibit entitled ‘Inspired by the Land: 25 Years of Conserving Wyoming’s Working Agricultural Lands’
Pinedale Online!
The Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust (WSGLT) is hosting an exhibit by the Wyoming State Museum in the Capitol Connector of the Wyoming State Capitol Building in Cheyenne during the 2025 legislative session. This exhibit has been created to honor the land trust celebrating 25 years. It is entitled "Inspired by the Land: 25 Years of Conserving Wyoming’s Working Agricultural Lands."

The exhibit captures historic and ongoing relationships between people and the land, stewardship of the land, and the many benefits Wyoming citizens and visitors gain from conserving agricultural lands. The exhibit is a diverse collection of photography, paintings, poetry, fiber arts, and historic artifacts contributed by more than 20 individuals across the state. Each piece shares a story of the land’s deep significance for landowners and their families.

"Inspired by the Land," was created in partnership between the Wyoming State Museum and the Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust, with support from the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund, Wyoming Humanities, Wyoming Community Foundation, and the Land Trust Alliance.

The Sommers Homestead Living History Museum submitted historic photos of ranching and haying on the Sommers Homestead as well as early survey equipment from the Richie family of Sublette County. These items were selected to be in the exhibit and are on display along with two original paintings from local artist Sue Sommers.

The items for display were selected by an eight-person committee made up of the exhibit curator, Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust board and staff members, founding board members and landowners, Wyoming State Museum staff, and a visual artist. The Sommers Homestead Living History Museum is operated by the Sublette County Historical Society.

Thoughtfully curated by a committee of eight, this exhibit showcases historic and ongoing relationships between people and the land through a diverse collection of photography, paintings, poetry, fiber arts, and historic artifacts contributed by more than 20 individuals across the state. Each piece shares a story of the land’s deep significance for landowners and their families.

Andrea Graham, guest curator for the exhibit, explains, "We hope their words and images inspire you to recognize your own connections to our treasured landscapes."

The exhibit opened on January 10, 2025 and items will be on display until July 10, 2025. A reception was held on January 16th. "Inspired by the Land" was created in partnership between the Wyoming State Museum and the Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust, with support from the Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund, Wyoming Humanities, Wyoming Community Foundation, and the Land Trust Alliance.

Click on this link for more pictures.

See links for higher resolution versions of ski trail maps
See links for higher resolution versions of ski trail maps
Nordic Ski Grooming Report – January 18, 2025 (posted 1/18/2025)
Mike Looney, Groomer
Saturday, Jan. 18, 9:30AM: Most trails above have been groomed this morning with the exception of Elkhart Park Road. There are about 4 inches of new snow from yesterday. It is very chilly today, -25F earlier, 1F degree now. The road is plowed, but snow packed. The sun is shining. The Pinedale STAmpede Nordic ski race starts at 9:30AM this morning.

This Nordic ski trail grooming report is courtesy of the Sublette County Recreation Board.

Related Links:
www.sublettetrails.org Additional information on winter and summer trail recreation in Sublette County, including maps and requested trail etiquette
White Pine-Kelly Park Ski Trail Map - (10.3MB PDF)
CCC Ponds Ski Trail Map - (1.84MB PDF)
Road and Weather links
www.visitpinedale.org Pinedale tourism website (links to lodging, dining, area information)
www.whitepinewyoming.com White Pine Resort, 307-367-6606, (Nearby alpine skiing, food services, restroom)
www.greatoutdoorshop.com The Great Outdoor Shop, 307-367-2440
www.sublettechamber.com Local businesses & services, 307-367-2242
www.golfpinedale.com Rendezvous Meadows Golf Course (Additional Nordic ski trails, food services, restroom)

Pinedale STAmpede Nordic Ski Race
Pinedale STAmpede Nordic Ski Race Jan. 18 (posted 1/16/2025)
The Pinedale STAmpede Nordic Ski Race will be held on Saturday, January 18th. The event is a fundraiser for the Sublette Trails Association (STA). Race check in and bib pick-up at the Pinedale Aquatic Center on Friday, January 17th from 3PM-7:45PM. Saturday racer check in at Nordic trails adjacent to White Pine Ski Area from 8AM-9:15AM. Race start is at 9:30AM. Participants can Register for the event online at https://loom.ly/bzeDlsU

The STAmpede is Pinedale’s only timed intergenerational Nordic ski race and is now part of a new Nordic race series serving western Wyoming and eastern Idaho, the Wydaho Nordic Ski Series. Events are 20K Classic, 20K Free Style, 10K Classic, 10K Free Style.

Saturday Race Schedule:
9:35AM 5K Free Style Race
9:40AM 2.5K Free Style Kids Race
11AM Costume Party Lap Start (all ages)
3PM Awards Ceremony and Social

Sunday events include Bingo fundraiser at 1:00PM at Wind River Brewing in Pinedale. Go to www.sublettetrails.org for more details, or their Facebook page.

Water line bleeder
Bitter cold nighttime temperatures on the way (posted 1/16/2025)
Run bleeders to prevent frozen water pipes
Pinedale Online!
The National Weather Service is forecasting bitter nighttime temperatures over the weekend and into early next week for western and central Wyoming. Saturday night could drop to -17F and Sunday night even colder to -21F degrees. Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday Monday night could be -20F degrees. Daytime temperatures expected to be in the single digits to teens. Chance of snow showers around Pinedale Friday and Saturday, then clear, sunny and cold for the rest of the week.

The Town of Pinedale posted a notice encouraging animal owners to make sure their outside animals have adequate food, water and shelter during the frigid temperatures. Town officials also encourage residents on the Town water system to run a bleeder during the winter months to make sure water lines do not freeze. A pencil lead size flow is usually adequate to keep water lines flowing. (People on water wells should not run a bleeder.)

Sublette County Museum Board meeting Jan. 21 (posted 1/14/2025)
Public Notice: The Sublette County Museum Board will hold a meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 11:00 am at the Pinedale Library Board Room. Public welcome to attend.

Free Fly Tying Night in Pinedale Jan. 23
Free Fly Tying Night in Pinedale Jan. 23 (posted 1/13/2025)
The Upper Green Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the Green River Valley Program of the Jackson Hole Land Trust are holding a free fly tying night at Wind River Brewery in Pinedale at 6:30pm on Thursday, January 23. This event is open to the public. Instructor will be Jim Hissong, All materials and tools are provided. Kids are welcome and encouraged to participate. No tying experience required. Raffle for all participants. People can register at tu.myeventscenter.com/event/Pinedale-Fly-Tying-Night-104612.

Dee Topper
Obituary – Dee Topper (posted 1/13/2025)
Deanna Jo Topper, a.k.a. ‘Dee’ or ‘E.T.’ - October 19, 1965-January 8, 2025
Covill Funeral Home
Dee Topper, 59, of Pinedale, WY passed away peacefully in her sleep on January 8, 2025. She was born in Gettysburg, PA on October 19, 1965 and was the seventh of eight children. Her parents raised her in Emmitsburg, MD where she had many adventures with her numerous friends, cousins, siblings, neighbors - you name it - Dee could find a friend in everyone. She never met a stranger and would go on to make lifelong friends in every chapter of her life.

Dee attended Mother Seton School and St. Joseph’s High School in Emmitsburg before graduating from Catoctin High in Thurmont, MD. She was also a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church for many years. After high school, she was proud to be a chef at the Carriage House for a large part of her adulthood. Dee was an excellent cook; her favorite dishes included anything with seafood or most especially, crab meat. In 1988, her pride and joy, Ashton, was born. From then on it would be just the two of them. Wyoming became Dee’s new home in 2008 when she moved to be near her daughter.

She was extremely generous and thoughtful; never forgetting a birthday or anniversary. She was a glass half-full kind of person and always made the best out of a situation. Dee was a true free spirit and wild child at heart. She was a kind, gentle soul and lived life to the beat of her own drum. You couldn’t find a mean bone in her body if you tried because it just wasn’t in her nature. She was the life of every party, a goofball and always trying to brighten people’s day. One of her nicknames became "E.T." because of her hilarious impression of "E.T. phone home." You never knew what she might say next, but it would probably make you laugh.

Dee very much enjoyed jamming out and dancing to music. Her love for music began at a very early age when she got a record player and a few 45s for Christmas. One of those albums was the Bee Gee’s and she loved it so much she listened to it over and over again. Her passion for music would later spread to those around her, including her daughter. Dee also enjoyed watching her TV shows and spending time with friends and family. She was known to shoot a good game of pool and was an avid 49ers fan. Dee also loved to take pictures of the sunset, moon, mountains and wildlife that frequented her home.

Dee is survived by her daughter Ashton McReynolds (Chris) of Casper, WY; the second daughter she never had, Alissia Centineo of Rocky Ridge, MD; her sisters Darby J. Topper of Taneytown, MD, Dawn J. Mitchell (Alvin) of Pinedale, Deborah J. Peters (Ronnie) of Baltimore, MD, and Denise J. Williams (Gordon) of Pinedale; brother Dwight J. Topper (Kara) of Fairfield, PA; her Aunts Carolyn Topper (Paul) of Biglerville, PA, and Darlene Koontz (Ken) of Emmitsburg; Uncle Norman Swartz (Blonde) of Emmitsburg; her dearest friend Kara Wiebe, of Pinedale; granddogs Bear and Roscoe of Casper, and many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.

Dee is preceded in death by her parents Ann (Koontz) and Joe Topper, sister Donna J. Topper and brother Duane J. Topper. Heaven truly gained an angel and Dee’s spirit will live on in the hearts of all who knew her. She will be deeply missed in a way that words cannot describe. In lieu of traditional services, Dee would like her friends and family to have a party, have a good time and have a shot of Crown Apple for her. Fly high and phone home, E.T.

Dear Flora – January 2025 (posted 1/13/2025)
Sage & Snow Garden Club
Dear Flora,
All of this snow is making me realize how long it will be until I can get my hands dirty again. Do you have any fun winter gardening activities to ward off the winter gardening blues?
Sno Bird
Dear Sno,
You are in luck! With the holidays behind us, it seems like a good time for some gardening projects to help us wait a little more patiently for spring.
Forcing bulbs indoors - Unplanted bulbs can be forced for mid-winter blooms. Chill tulip, daffodil, or hyacinth bulbs in your fridge for at least 12 weeks. Plant bulbs in potting soil, water thoroughly, and set the pots in a sunny window. This deceptive use of temperature and light can "trick" bulbs into blooming in 3—6 weeks after planting. Bulbs and planting kits are available online for ordering—some bulbs even come "pre-chilled" and ready to go for forcing.
Microgreens — Plant microgreen seed in pots and place in a sunny, warm location. Watch seedlings grow in a few days. Microgreens come in all kinds of flavors—radish, kale, broccoli, Asian greens, beet, turnip. Trim these yummy greens to add to salads or sandwiches.
Learn more about gardening - Take a gardening class at Sublette County BOCES. Sign up for "Growing Tomatoes" taught by Arlinda McLaughlin on Saturday, March 1st from 9AM—12Noon. Cost to register is $20.
Become a garden club member. Attend meetings and activities to learn about growing in Sublette County. See detailed information below.

Dear Flora,
How do you decide what seeds to order for our climate? Do you have tips on garden planning?
Thanks so much,
Heather Weather
Dear Heather,
This is a good time of year to look at your notes from last year’s garden season and plan ahead for next spring. It is also the time of year to start studying all of those seed catalogs and to order early to make sure to get the varieties you want.
Important seed ordering tips:
Look for "early" short season vegetable seeds. Varieties that mature in 50-75 days work the best in our extreme climate.
Plants labeled as "cold hardy" have adapted to cooler climates and usually grow better at our higher elevations.Seek out seed companies that grow their own seeds in northern areas. These seeds are often adapted for success in similar growing conditions to our area. Some reliable online seed sources for our climate are Johnny’s Seeds (johnnyseeds.com) or Territorial Seeds (territorialseed.com). Seeds purchased in local stores are also fine, just make sure to check the dates of maturity.Keep your expectations realistic—consult local gardeners for information and recommendations to increase odds for success.
Garden Planning Tips:
Start by evaluating what did well and what failed during the previous growing season. Keeping a garden journal can be extremely helpful to remember the details—like varieties that grew well, timing of plantings, and weather conditions.Map out your garden plan on graph paper year to year (or use planning software programs). This practice helps to make sure that you rotate crops to prevent pest infestations,
plant diseases, and soil nutrient depletion. Save seed packets to remember where to order your favorites and check back on specific growing information.Create a calendar for planting next year’s crops. This is especially important if you start seeds indoors for later transplanting. Ask Arlinda for her planting guide with approximate dates.

Dear Flora,
I would love to learn more about gardening in Sublette County. Does the garden club have any upcoming activities that I could participate in?
Ever Grateful,
Sage Snow
Dear Sage,
The Sage and Snow Garden Club will meet on Monday, January 27th at 5PM at the Sublette County Weed & Pest Office for our annual business meeting to plan events for 2025. Everyone is welcome to join our club to learn more about successful techniques and plants that grow in Sublette County. For more information or to ask questions for our next Ask Flora column, go to our website @ https://www.sageandsnowgardenclub.org/ or contact Arlinda McLaughlin, Master Gardener at 307-231-9402.

Photo courtesy Sublette County Unified Fire
Structure fire at Angry Irish in Pinedale
Fire damages local auto repair business (posted 1/10/2025)
Sublette County Unified Fire
PINEDALE, WYOMING – At approximately 7:21 PM on January 2, 2025, Sublette County Unified Fire units were dispatched to a potential structure fire in the town of Pinedale. The initial caller indicated that there was heavy smoke coming from the back of the Angry Irish Repair building.

Multiple fire units from Battalion 1 (Pinedale), Battalion 4 (Boulder), and Battalion 5 (Daniel) were paged and responded to the incident.

Fire units arrived to heavy smoke and flames coming from the rear of the building. Fire units were able to suppress the fire and confine the fire to the shop area and contents saving the remainder of the building. The building was ventilated to limit the amount of smoke damage to the business.

The severity of this incident was limited due to the quick response and actions of all the responders to the incident. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation.

Shad Cooper
Sublette County Unified Fire Chief

New analyzer at Marbleton Clinic
Marbleton Clinic receives new analyzer (posted 1/8/2025)
Sublette County Hospital District
The Sublette County Hospital District (SCHD) continues to invest in the Marbleton Clinic, with the $64,000 purchase of Vitros XT 3400 new chemistry analyzer for the laboratory.

A new chemistry analyzer in the Marbleton lab is a game-changer for patient care. It allows the Clinic to deliver faster, more accurate test results, enabling healthcare providers to diagnose and treat patients more effectively. By improving efficiency and precision, this technology ensures that patients receive the highest quality of care, right when they need it most.

Vicki Makelky, Lead Medical Technologist notes, "This new machine does comprehensive and basic panels, electrolytes, renal panels, lipid panels and more. It is so much faster as compared to the old one, and we love the dry slide technology. It’s very accurate and has a rapid turnaround time. This will be fantastic for the patients in Marbleton."

The Marbleton Clinic had 6,906 patient visits in 2024. The long-range goals and efforts of the SCHD will include continued valuable investments into patient care at all facilities in Sublette County to increase access and available services.

GoFundMe set up for Angry Irish shop fire
Courtesy photo
GoFundMe set up for Angry Irish shop fire (posted 1/6/2025)
A Pinedale family is devastated when a fire destroyed the shop of their auto repair business, Angry Irish Repair. The business has been servicing the Pinedale community for more than five years. It is the only source of income for owner Dusty Daly’s family. The cause of the fire has been preliminarily believed to be electrical.

Family members have set up a GoFundMe account asking for support for the Daly family as they work through this terrible loss and try to make their monthly bills. They have a $12,000 goal. As of the time of this article, they have initially raised $300. Here is the Fundraiser link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-dusty-chelsea-after-shop-fire

Vertical Health Integrative Direct Primary Care
Grand Opening for Vertical Health Integrative Direct Primary Care Jan. 27 in Pinedale (posted 1/3/2025)
Vertical Health Integrative Direct Primary Care will hold a Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting on Monday, January 27th, 2025, from noon to 3:00PM. They are located at 423 W Pine Street in Pinedale, in the same facility as the Pinedale Chiropractic Clinic. There will be prizes, raffle, and refreshments.

Vertical is a Direct Primary Care Clinic owned and operated by Dr. Rebekah Vance, DNP, APRN-C, FNE. Dr. Vance is a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner and Doctor of Nursing. Vertical Health provides personalized and integrative

medical care. Direct Primary Care is a model of primary care that gives providers alternatives to traditional fee-for-service insurance billing. Reducing the overhead for third-party insurance allows providers to lower fees and spend quality time with fewer patients for the same cost.

The office can be reached at 307-367-7647. More information online at www.myverticalhealth.org.

Local Services:
Abortion Alternatives
Accounting & CPA
Arts & Entertainment

Attorneys & Legal
Auction Services
Aviation Services
Banks & Financial
Beauty Salons
Bed & Breakfasts
Builders & Contractors
Building Material
Business Services
Child Care
Cleaning Services
Commercial Art
Computer Supplies
Convenience Stores/Fuel
Dry Cleaning
Fabric & Crafts

Food & Drink
Funeral Homes
Graphic Design
Grocery & Market
Guest Ranches & Lodges
Handyman Services
Hardware & Feed
Health Care & Medical
Horseback Adventures
Interior Design
Liquor Stores
Log Homes
Massage Therapy
Modular Homes
Mountain Biking
Movie Theaters
Office Supplies
Oil Field Services
Outdoor Equipment
Outfitters & Guides
Packaging & Shipping
Pet Stores
Professional Services
Real Estate Agencies
Real Estate-FSBO
RV Camping
Septic Services
Snow Plowing
Storage and Storage Units
Tattoos & Body Art
Tax Preparation Services
Trash Services
Visitor Services
Wagon Rides
Well Drilling

Current views from area web cameras. Travel and Weather info here.

WYDOT Web Cam on US 191 by Trappers Point, between Pinedale and Daniel
US 191 at Cora

WYDOT Web Cam on US 189 north of Marbleton at the junction with Hwy 351  - view looking south
US 189 north of Marbleton - View looking south

WYDOT Web Cam on US 191 at Farson
US 191 at Farson

See WYDOT for current road condition reports




Pinedale Online!
www.pinedaleonline.com       www.pinedale.com
Pinedale Online! PO Box 2250, Pinedale, WY 82941
Phone/Text: 307-360-7689 Fax: 307-367-2864

We are located in Office Outlet in Pinedale, 43 S. Sublette Ave.

For more information about Sublette County and towns near Pinedale,
visit our Sublette.com and BigPiney.com websites.

Pinedale Local and Pinedale Online are designed and maintained by Wind River Web Services LLC in Pinedale, Wyoming. News stories are contributed by members of the community. Our office is located in Office Outlet in Pinedale, 43 S Sublette Ave. We welcome story contributions by anyone from the community about upcoming events. Credits: Photos by Pinedale Online unless otherwise credited. We welcome photo contributions, especially for the Pinedale Local top picture and "Out and About" photo gallery. To submit photos, please send as high resolution photo as available (preferably larger than 1000 pixels on horizontal dimension.) Top header photos should have a narrow horizontal element that can be extracted to fit the banner space. Pinedale Online/Wind River Web Services LLC also owns and maintains the Sublette.com and BigPiney.com companion sites. All site content is copyright 2022. Photos, graphics and written content may not be used without advance permission from Pinedale Online/Wind River Web Services LLC. Please contact us for more information or questions about using content found on our site, support@pinedaleonline.com, 307-360-7689. If you find any broken links on our site, please let us know. Thank you for visiting us!

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