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Pinedale Online > News > May 2024 > Living History Days at the Museum of the Mountain Man

A little too big. Photo by Andrea Lewis.
A little too big

Beaver Press. Photo by Andrea Lewis.
Beaver Press

Cold Camp. Photo by Andrea Lewis.
Cold Camp
Living History Days at the Museum of the Mountain Man
by Pinedale Online!
May 10, 2024

Each year, for three days in mid-May, members of the
American Mountain Men (AMM) come to the Museum of the
Mountain Man in Pinedale to give living history
demonstrations and talks. School from around western Wyoming
bus classes of kids up to participate in the program.

This year a total of 721 kids ranging from preschool to 4th
grade, and 111 adults that accompanied them attended. Twelve
mountain men assisting with stations. Children heard about
the lifestyle, clothing, Indian sign language, food,
firearms, living in a tipi, horses, trade goods and more.

Two of the days for the event were very cold weather, which
was good for the school kids to experience first-hand the
kind of outdoor living and working conditions for the men
who lived and trapped beaver in the Green River Valley in
the early 1800s.

Living History Days was free of charge to all participants
thanks to generous grants from Sublette BOCES, Sweetwater
BOCES and Frank King.

The Museum is open daily from 9AM-5PM during the summer
season. The mountain men will be back July 11-13th for Green
River Rendezvous.

Beaver fur. Photo by Andrea Lewis.
Beaver fur

Tipi living. Photo by Andrea Lewi.
Tipi living

Grizzly bear attack. Photo by Andrea Lewis.
Grizzly bear attack
Pinedale Online > News > May 2024 > Living History Days at the Museum of the Mountain Man

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