WYDOT offers new permanent light trailer license plate
by Wyoming Department of Transportation
June 21, 2023
The Wyoming Department of Transportation wants to remind residents about upcoming changes to license plates for light trailers.
Starting July 1, owners of light trailers – defined as trailers weighing less than 1,000 lbs. – can purchase a permanent plate for their trailer.
Light trailers that are less than 6 years old would incur a $350 one-time permanent registration fee for the plate. To register older trailers, owners will need to pay a $50 one-time administration fee, a one-time fee equal to 5-times the county registration fee that would be due at 6 years of service, and a one-time fee equal to 5-times the state registration fee.
If the trailer is sold, the plate expires and the customer must remove the plate. Plates cannot transfer owners. If an owner purchases plates for a trailer, sells it and purchases a new trailer within 60 days, the fees and plates would transfer to the new trailer.
Like most other license plates, these permanent plates will be issued by the counties.