Pinedale Ranger District Public Meeting June 26
To discuss proposed seasonal closure near outlet of Fremont Lake for spring/fall migrating mule deer
by Bridger-Teton National Forest
June 12, 2023
The Pinedale Ranger District of the Bridger-Teton National Forest is hosting an open house meeting for the public on June 26, 2023, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at Rendezvous Pointe in Pinedale, to gather public input on a proposed seasonal recreational closure near the outlet of Fremont Lake. The purpose of the proposed temporary seasonal closure would be to minimize human disturbance to migrating mule deer in the spring and fall. In collaboration with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, the Pinedale Ranger District is proposing to close the area to humans from April 1 through April 30 and from November 1 through November 30, in a crucial area along the Sublette Mule Deer Migration Route, which was designated by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
The proposed closure area is an important portion of the "Fremont Bottleneck" migration route, which is critical for the passage of 4,000 to 5,000 mule deer each fall and spring. It is bordered by residential development and Fremont Lake, and has high levels of human activity. Recent efforts have been implemented to eliminate non-wildlife friendly fencing and as well as the acquisition of the Luke Lynch Wildlife Habitat Management area by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, which is closed to human presence from December 1 - May 1 each year for the protection of wintering and migrating wildlife. The public are invited to attend the open house, learn more about the proposed closure, and provide written comments. Those unable to attend the meeting are invited to provide comments to by July 10, 2023. For more information, call Rusty Kaiser, Wildlife Biologist, Pinedale Ranger District, at 307-231-5980.