Pinedale Arbor Day honors Rose Skinner with new arboretum, May 25
May 24, 2012
Pinedale will celebrate 20 years of Arbor Day and will plant an arboretum in cooperation with the Wyoming State Forestry, Pinedale Elementary, Sublette County Conservation District, Sage & Snow Garden Club, and 4-H Extension Office and others in a celebration on Friday May 25th at noon at the Pinedale Elementary School.
Pinedale has been a Tree City USA for 20 years. Tomorrow's event will be dedicated to Pinedale's beloved Rose Skinner who was instrumental in Pinedale becoming a Tree City USA, establishing a Park & Tree Board and Pinedale's great parks.
Please join the Town of Pinedale in honoring Rose and welcoming the new Meadowlark Arboretum into our community. Bring a shovel!
The Tree City USA® program, sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters, provides direction, technical assistance, public attention, and national recognition for urban and community forestry programs in thousands of towns and cities that more than 135 million Americans call home.
To qualify as a Tree City USA a community must meet each of the following. 1. A Tree Board or Department 2. A Tree Care Ordinance (see Chapter 429 of Pinedale Town Code) 3. A Community Forestry Program with an Annual budget of at least $2 per capita. (In 2010 the Town spent $56/per capita, in 2011 $90/per capita) 4. An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation (Pinedale typically holds Arbor Day during the last week of May or the first week in June).
What's an arboretum? An arboretum is a place where trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants are cultivated for scientific and educational purposes.
Wyoming State Forestry has an initiative to foster biodiversity throughout the State. As part of this, they are establishing arboretums throughout the state to demonstrate what species can be grown in that climate. Pinedale was chosen for its unique high altitude climate and short growing season.
For more information, contact Kate Grimes, Planning & Zoning Administrator,, Town of Pinedale, 307-367-4136.