![Celebrating. Photo by Nan Stinson.](thb-Glacierscelebrateawin.jpg)
Glaciers celebrate a win. Photo by Nan Stinson.
Peewees ice hockey begins
by Nan Stinson
November 18, 2010
The Pinedale Glacier Peewees faced off in their first match of the season against the Gillette Wild this last weekend.
Saturday night’s game was a draw at 1 to 1. Gillette Wild scored near the end of the first quarter. Jaydon Lewis, in a power play assisted by Kelly Fagan, scored to tie midway through the second period.
Sunday morning, the Glaciers worked extra hard to earn a win of 5 to 3. While the Wild scored the first goal early in the first period, Abbie Ennis, new to the team this year, scored less than two minutes later, unassisted. By the end of that first period the Wild scored again, but the Glaciers were not to be undone, and towards the end of the second period Kelly Fagan, in a powerplay with Cody Crumb, scored again to tie up with the Wild.
The third quarter proved to be very exciting with the Wild scoring off the bat and then Glaciers' Cody Crumb, assisted by Jacob Mitchell, scored a goal bringing it to 4-4. Near the end of the third quarter, Jacob Mitchell scored unassisted to pull ahead of the Wild. Then, with 45 seconds left in the game, the Wild pulled their goalie and Kelly Fagan, assisted by Jaydon Lewis, got a break away and scored on the Wilds open net.
Congratulations are due to every member of the team, from the goalie to defense and the forwards, they all worked together to make the win. For more information on Pinedale Hockey and a complete schedule of home games visit www.pinedaleglaciers.com.
Photos courtesy Nan Stinson