Sublette County History Contest
Week 2 Clues Page (Feb. 24-March
1, 2016)
day to enter guesses for this question was noon on Tuesday, March
1, 2016.)
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2 Question: "When
was the first reported sighting of a moose in Pinedale?"
n: Prize: 3 Schwan's Pizzas!
Winner: Sandy
Kawa, Pinedale. Guess: May 25, 1916.
lone cow moose was seen
on Tuesday,
May 23, 1916,
as reported in
the Thursday, May 25,
edition of the Pinedale Roundup newspaper.

Answer: A
lone cow moose was seen on Tuesday,
May 23, 1916, as
reported in the Thursday, May 25,
1916 edition of the Pinedale Roundup
Just One Lone Moose
citizens were somewhat surprised Tuesday at lunch hour to see a fine young
cow moose come trotting down the road east of town
very much unconcerned and leap over the fence into the J. F. Patterson
field and make her way across the pasture toward Pine creek. J. C. Reynolds
who happened to be coming into town in his Buick at the time was able to
get a very good view of the animal which appeared to be about a two year
old and at one time was within 40 feet of her. Many about town secured
their first view of a moose."
research indicates that moose were relatively recent newcomers
to the Upper Green River Valley, coming down from the north within
the last 150 years. They are solitary animals and population
numbers were not large in the early years of the settlement of
the Wyoming territory. Hunting pressure, which was impacting
all of the big game animal species by the late
1800s, reduced the number of moose even more. In the late 1800s
and early 1900s
herd numbers
had become so seriously diminished across the country that states
began to pass laws to regulate hunting seasons.
Wyoming didn't officially
become a state until 1890, but even before then lawmakers and
biologists realized the need to manage hunting of big game wildlife
herds. People
to call for fishing regulations as well in
the early 1900s. It
years and sometimes decades to get the big game herd numbers
back to the
some species were commonly seen. Moose were still
somewhat of a rarity in the Upper Green River Valley into the
1930s and 40s. Pronghorn antelope were nearly entirely unseen
from the Upper
Green River
a 50 year period between early 1900 to the 1950s. The fact that
we see moose and other big game wildlife commonly in Pinedale
and around the Upper Green River Valley today, without realizing
they haven't
"everywhere forever", is a testament to the sound wildlife
management practices of wildlife officials who do their best
to set sustainable
hunting harvest levels and do ongoing research to balance wildlife
population levels with
available habitat.
2 Clues
1. Moose are native in nearly all Northern forest zones including
Northern Europe, Northern America, the Baltic region and Siberia
as well as in the colder regions of Asia. They are typically
found in forested areas with cool, moist conditions with nutrient-rich
aquatic vegetation such as lakes or ponds, streams or swamps.
2. Moose were described as an animal species that inhabited the
mountainous regions of the western United States by George Shiras
III during his explorations from 1908-1910 in Yellowstone National
3. It is believed that moose entered Wyoming from Montana and Idaho
within the past 150 years.
4. In Wyoming, the Office of Fish Commissioner was established
in 1879 with a State Game Warden as the agency manager. Jurisdiction
was extended to game in 1895. Wildlife managers at the federal
and state levels began programs to manage and research wildlife
populations across the country.
5. Moose did not become established in Jackson Hole until the early
6. Moose population numbers declined following early settlement
of Wyoming. In 1903, the Wyoming State Legislature closed moose
hunting seasons and they remained closed from 1903-1911. Moose
hunting seasons were reopened in 1912.
7. The 1908 Annual Report of the State Game Warden indicated moose
were distributed along the Teton Mountains, the upper Yellowstone
River and at the head of the Green River.
8. It was estimated there were 500 moose inhabiting Wyoming in
1912, principally in the northwest region.
9. Moose began to occupy portions of the Wind River Range during
the 1930s, and became quite numerous by the 1960s. Afterward, the
population began to decline despite strong state game management
programs. Some reasons for the decline include predation by wolves
and cougars, drought conditions impacting available forage and
over winter survivability, low pregnancy rates, calf death rates,
diseases and death due to severe tick and parasite infestations,
road kill fatalities.
10. In Utah, the moose population gradually established itself
on the North Slope of Utah’s Uinta Mountains during the
first half of the 1900s from founders in the Greater Yellowstone
Formal management of the species commenced with an aerial survey
conducted in 1957, and the first legal hunt in 1958. From this
small initial population moose have expanded into other areas
of northern Utah and, augmented by transplants, the statewide
increased to an estimated 3,200 animals as of 2009.
11. Moose were first introduced in the Bighorn Mountains in 1948.
Moose moved into the Medicine Bow Mountains from Colorado in the
12. Today, moose occupy habitats in western, north central, and
southeastern Wyoming. Statewide, managers recognize 14 distinct
herd units.
13. Today, the Sublette moose herd is the largest in the western
United States with about 5,000 animals spanning an area from Hoback
Junction to LaBarge to Pinedale to Afton.
14. In 2014, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, and the Wyoming
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit recently expanded a
moose project in the Northern Wyoming Range between Jackson and
Pinedale. Researchers collared 65 moose and fitted the animals
with GPS radio collars during the past three years to learn about
their use of habitat, migration patterns and survival. An additional
28 cows were fitted with collars between Cottonwood Creek and the
upper Hoback River.
15. The town of Pinedale was founded in 1904 and incorporated in
1912 (correction).
16. As part of the original forming of the town, founder J.
F. Patterson asked his nephew C. Watt Brandon to establish
a newspaper
in the new town. The first issue of The Pinedale Roundup rolled
off the press on September 8, 1904. The weekly paper ran consistently
for more than 100 years, with the exception of a couple month’s
break in 1918 due to the Spanish flu epidemic and a postponement
for August 1910.
17. Digital copies of many early editions of Wyoming newspapers
prior to 1924 are available to read online at the Wyoming Newspapers
project website,
18. An index to the Pinedale Roundup newspaper was compiled
over a 20-year period by Judi Myers for the years 1904-1969 & 1980-1999.
This index uses keyword phrases for the highlights she found
in each edition of the papers in those years. Ann Noble compiled
index for the years 1970-1979. Jane Warinner typed the original
manuscripts in four separate volumes. The written Pinedale
Roundup Index book is still available today and can be purchased
at Office
Outlet in Pinedale. Later, the printed volumes were scanned
in order to create a searchable index for online use. This
Index to The Pinedale Roundup, 1904-1999, can be found here:
19. The Sublette County Historical Society hired historian
Ann Noble to write a book about Pinedale for the town’s 100 year
centennial. The book is, “Pinedale, Wyoming:
a Centennial History, 1904 – 2004”. It is available at the Pinedale
Library as well as for sale at the Cowboy Shop, Office Outlet,
and Museum of the Mountain Man in Pinedale. It has a wealth
of facts and historical information about the first 100 years
20. The first settlers near Pinedale were Charles A. Petersen and
his family who moved to Pine Creek Flat south of the current town
site on September 7, 1895. They took possession of a cabin that
is believed to have been built and abandoned by an early trapper
in the 1880s. Later Robert Graham and his family moved into a cabin
on 160 acres adjoining the Petersen family to the north.
21. John F. Patterson, known as the Founder of Pinedale, proposed
establishing a town along Pine Creek three miles south of Fremont
Lake. He offered to build and stock a general store if local
ranchers Charles A. Peterson and Robert O. Graham would each
donate five
acres for the town site. Each man received 1/3 interest in
the town. They drew up a plat on September 26, 1904 which shows
blocks, lots and streets. The central east/west road, called
Pine Street, was the boundary line between the Peterson and
Graham ranches.
It was crossed by Franklin Street, which was named for Mr.
oldest son, and was the main street. The west boundary was Lake
Street, likely named for the street leading to Fremont Lake. The
east boundary was Maybel Avenue (later spelled Maybell), named
for John Patterson’s wife. The south boundary was Mill
Street, named for the location of the town mill. The north
boundary is
Magnolia Street, but little is known about the origin of that
street name.
22. The original main street of Pinedale was Franklin Avenue which
runs north/south and followed the original trail and road that
came through the area along Pine Creek. Later as the town grew,
the main street switched to Pine Street which runs east/west.
info on Moose:
Moose, Wyoming Game & Fish
and fish expand moose study in Wyoming Range,
reprints by Clinton Hart Merriam (1897)
Google Books
Report of the Chief of the Biological Survey, U.S. Department of
October 23, 1909 (From Annual Reports of the Department of Agriculture)
Moose facts,
your answer to
call Jean-Francois at 307-360-FOOD (3663)
TO ENTER. Contest participants must be residents of Sublette County, Wyoming;
be at least 18 years of age, and a U.S. citizen to win. Limit
one weekly prize per person and household. All past winners are
eligible to enter to win the Grand Prize. There are no substitutions
allowed on prize winnings. No one directly involved in the creation
of the contest or history questions, or their families or household
members, are eligible to win any of the contest prizes.
2. Contest Period: The contest runs for
six weeks, from Wednesday, February 17, 2016 and ending on
Tuesday, March 29, 2016.
3. Sponsors: Schwan’s, Pinedale Online,
KPIN 101.1FM Radio. Contacts for more information are:
Schwan’s Home Service of Rock Springs,
phone: 307-360-FOOD (3663),,
213 Industrial Ave,
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Pinedale Online: Dawn Ballou, Editor, 307-360-7689,
PO Box 2250, Pinedale, WY 82941
KPIN 101.1FM Radio: Bob Rule, 307-367-2000,
PO Box 2000, Pinedale, WY 82941
4. To Enter: Each week’s history question will be posted
on Pinedale Online on the Local page and at,
as well as announced on KPIN 101.1 FM Radio. To enter a guess to answer the week’s
history question, send an email with your answer to or
call 307-360-FOOD (3663) by
on the Tuesday ending that week’s contest. Include
your name, email address, mailing address, and a contact phone number so the
winner can be notified. All entries become the property of Schwan’s
and will not be returned. Winners names will be posted on Pinedale Online at and announced on KPIN 101.1 FM Radio on
the Wednesday following that week’s question. The next week’s new
history question will also be posted and announced on Wednesday.
5. Prize Drawing: On or about Tuesday evening,
contest administrators will review the entries and determine
which one was the first to coming closest to correctly answering
the question. There will be only one prize awarded to one
winner each week. Winner’s name will be posted on the
Pinedale Online website and announced on KPIN 101.1FM Radio
on the Wednesday ending the week of that contest question.
If the contest sponsor cannot contact the prize winner within
3 days of announcement of the winner, the contest sponsors
may select an alternate winner from the next closest correct
answer entries that can be contacted to claim that week’s
prize. Schwan’s Home Service of Rock Springs reserves
the right to be ultimate decider of each week’s contest
winner and their decision is final. Prizes will be delivered
by Schwan’s to the
winner within Sublette County, Wyoming by prior arrangement
during the next week’s Schwan’s regular Sublette
County route delivery cycle. By accepting prize, winner releases
all participating sponsors from any liability as a result
of this prize. Schwan's will pay the Wyoming State sales
tax of the winning prizes for the prize winners.
6. Privacy: Information gained from contest
entrants is subject to Schwan’s privacy policy. Names
of winners will be posted online and announced over KPIN
Radio, but email addresses, phone numbers and physical addresses
will not be released. Schwan’s will use address information
to make deliveries of prizes to winners. Schwan’s may
ask contest entrants if they would like a Schwan’s
catalog and/or more information about the company’s
food products.